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The window

The Plan

My initial plan for the window is:

  • Cut a few circles out of some float glass,
  • Clean them thoroughly with IPA and HCL,
  • Build a stack of them in the kiln of the desired thickness,
  • Fire:
    • Slow ramp to 675°C,
    • Hold for five minutes,
    • Fast ramp down to 560°C,
    • Hold for 10 min,
    • Slow ramp down to room temperature.
  • Polish,
  • Harden in a 400°C bath of potassium nitrate.

I had good success tempering bottle glass with a 560°C soak in the glass sphere project.

The Doing

Cutting out circles of glass.

Stack of circles. There are some cracks, but they'll reform during the firing.

Soaking the circles in 320G/L HCL acid.

projects/blinker/work_logs/2_window.1642915692.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/23 05:28 by tjhowse