{{indexmenu_n>1}} ====== Smart fan ====== I bought an Arlec smart fan. It has a WR4 wifi module inside, based on an RTL8710BN. These are now supported by esphome. https://docs.libretiny.eu/docs/platform/realtek-ambz/#flashing https://community.home-assistant.io/t/arlec-grid-connect-ceiling-fans/261127/67 https://esphome.io/components/libretiny.html https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/wifiwr4module?id=K9605tvu78p3e {{:projects:arlec_smart_fans:pasted:20231030-112019.jpeg}} {{:projects:arlec_smart_fans:pasted:20231030-112042.png}} {{:projects:arlec_smart_fans:pasted:20231030-033719.jpeg}} {{:projects:arlec_smart_fans:pasted:20231030-080404.png}} {{:projects:arlec_smart_fans:pasted:20231030-080423.png}} {{:projects:arlec_smart_fans:pasted:20231101-045735.png}} esphome: name: fan-1 friendly_name: Sam's Room Fan rtl87xx: board: generic-rtl8710bn-2mb-788k # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "" ota: password: "" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid_2 password: !secret wifi_password_2 uart: rx_pin: GPIO18 tx_pin: GPIO23 baud_rate: 9600 tuya: fan: - platform: "tuya" name: "Speed" switch_datapoint: 1 speed_datapoint: 3 direction_datapoint: 4 speed_count: 6 light: - platform: "tuya" name: "Light" switch_datapoint: 9 dimmer_datapoint: 10 min_value: 0 max_value: 100 color_temperature_datapoint: 11 color_temperature_max_value: 100 cold_white_color_temperature: 150 mireds warm_white_color_temperature: 400 mireds Initial flashing done with a USB-TTL serial adaptor using the wiring diagram shown above and ltchiptool. I took a backup of the stock firmware with ltchiptool flash read ambz stock.bin then I used esphome to generate the uf2 file and flashed it using ltchiptool flash write .uf2 Works mostly perfectly. OTA updates via wifi only work occasionally, perhaps inside a 30-60 second window after the RTL chip powers on. It takes a fair bit of bouncing the power and retrying the connection to get it to stick.